Control and automation using smart devices and voice assistant,such as Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant.
Customized scenes, schedules and routines for different occasionsand preferences, such as waking up, leaving home, or watching a movie.
Enhance comfort, convenience, safety and energy efficiency withFEW’s home automation solutions.
Integration of various smart devices and systemssuch as lighting, temperature, security, entertainment, and appliances inpalaces, compounds, headquarters…etc.
FEW has a wealth of experience and expertise in home automationand can tailor a solution that meets your needs and budget. We offer multiplevariants of home automation systems, such as wired or wireless, cloud-based orlocal, or compatible with different platforms and protocols.
Crestron Home
This is a platform to control all of smart home devices and     systems from a single app or touchscreen. Voice commands can also be used via     Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. Crestron Home offers a sleek and intuitive interface.
Crestron Lighting
This is a solution to control lighting systemswith ease and elegance. Brightness, color, temperature, and scenes of lights canall be adjusted from smart devices or voice assistant. This can also be integrated with other systems, such as shades, securityor entertainment.
Crestron Audio
This is a solution to enjoy high-quality soundthroughout the house. Music can be streamed from various sources, such asSpotify, Pandora, or Tidal. Zones and groups can be configured for differentrooms or speakers. Crestron Audio system can be controlled from smart devices or voiceassistants.
Al-Khalidiyah, AlHamidy Building,4th floor Prince Sultan StreetJeddah 23423
+966 (12) 6064254
+966 (12) 6064337
UK Office
Jubilee House
Third Avenue, Globe Park
Marlow, SL7 1EY
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 3795 0375
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