Integrate with other systems or services, such asaccess control, fire alarm, or emergency response. You can also use advancedfeatures such as motion detection, face recognition, or license platerecognition. FEW can help you integrate your video surveillance system withother systems or services that FEW specializes on, such as:
・Access Control: This is a system that regulates the access orentry to your facility, using devices and methods such as locks, keys, cards,codes, or biometrics. You can use it to protect your property, people, orassets from unauthorized or unwanted visitors or intruders. You can also use itto manage the access rights and permissions of different users or groups, suchas family members, employees, guests, or contractors. You can integrate yourvideo surveillance system with your access control system to verify theidentity of the visitors or intruders, and to record their activities and movements
・Fire Alarm: This is a system that detects and alerts you ofany fire or smoke in your facility, using devices such as detectors, alarms, orsprinklers. You can use it to protect your property, people, or assets fromfire hazards or damages. You can also use it to trigger emergency response orevacuation procedures. You can integrate your video surveillance system withyour fire alarm system to monitor and record the fire or smoke events, and toprovide visual evidence and assistance for the emergency response or evacuation
・Emergency Response: This is a service that provides you withimmediate assistance or intervention in case of any emergency or crisis in yourfacility, such as fire, intrusion, or medical emergency. You can use it toprotect your property, people, or assets from harm or danger. You can also useit to coordinate and communicate with the emergency responders or authorities.You can integrate your video surveillance system with your emergency responseservice to share and stream your video footage with the emergency responders orauthorities, and to provide them with real-time information and situation awareness